GitHub – chuckhoupt/jekyll-apple-help: Easily create Apple Help-Books for your Mac OS X app using this Jekyll template and build system.

GitHub – chuckhoupt/jekyll-apple-help: Easily create Apple Help-Books for your Mac OS X app using this Jekyll template and build system.:

So I had been playing with Jekyll as a way to build some documentation sites for online projects, seemed like a nice way to build out some rich sites that had deep ties to Github projects. Then in a project I was building for a client I needed to build out the Help Book quickly and in a way that the client could participate in the final product. I’m not sure if you have ever tried to build Apple Help books but it is not simple or straight forward, the documentation is really old and is not really easily consumable. This, however, worked for me essentially right out of the box and has been a joy to work with.

Jekyll-Apple-Help is a Jekyll template and Xcode build system that makes it easy to author and build Mac OS X Help Books. Add Help to your Mac app, and start authoring in Markdown within minutes. The resulting Help has the same look & feel as Apple’s Yosemite apps.

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